Update #7


A minor upgrade this time as we are consolidating on the last changes that we have introduced and trying to stabilize the build.


Nothing added this time:)


  • Single Player selection bug. There  was a mistake in the UI of the build that made it to go to the coop mode. The bug has been solved to allow the player to go either to single mode or coop mode
  • Combos deactivating.  A bug that had different ways to occur, and that we have now close all of them, which should allow the player to activate the combos every time after they have been unlocked.
  • Enemies rotation. In some of the cases, the enemies were rotating in the wrong direction when being hit by the player.

In this new update, we have not made any improvement on the performance this time, as we focusing in making the build stable towards a release candidate.

As always any feedback on the discussion board or by email is greatly welcomed as it allows us to keep improving the game and cleaning it from bugs that sometimes we were not able to spot correctly, or to check on fixes that failed to solve them. Also we are open to suggestions or requests that could help us make the game even better.

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Thanks for playing our game and  Stay tuned...

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